Revenge Trading: How I Let My Balls Do the Thinking

There’s always that one point in life where your mentor or senior warns you, "Don’t do anything stupid." And what do we do? Exactly the opposite, like a bunch of clueless pussies. Well, today I did exactly that—I went full-on into revenge trading. Sure, I ended up profitable in today’s session, but at what fucking cost?

I was completely overwhelmed by the market, like a deer in the headlights. Instead of sticking to my plan, I ended up taking five impulsive trades, all driven by pure frustration. Do I regret it? Hell yeah. And what do traders do when they fuck up? If you don’t know a damn thing about trading psychology, you’ll blame the market. But if you do know a bit, you’ll pull the "poor mental state" card—blaming it on being out of the zone, or some shit like that.

Today, I definitely fell into the second category. I blamed everything on my screwed-up psychology, convincing myself that I wasn’t in the right mental zone. But here’s the real kicker: It’s always our fucking mistake in the end. No excuses, no bullshit.

Even though I went full-on revenge trading mode, I tried to stick to my edge and follow my rules as much as I could. I know, I know—it sounds like just another excuse, but somehow, I came out on top today. And that’s the problem with revenge trading: Sometimes you get lucky, and it fucks with your head even more.

But let’s not sugarcoat it: I got lucky, and that’s not a fucking strategy. Below is a list of the reckless trades I took today. Let’s break down the chaos.

Moral of the Story
No matter how you slice it, revenge trading is like trying to play poker with a dickhead—you're setting yourself up for a beatdown. Sure, I came out on top today, but next time, I might not be so lucky. So, traders, learn from my mistake: don’t let your emotions dictate your trades. Stick to your edge, follow your rules, and don’t be a fucking idiot.

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