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Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the face. (Trading edition).

Man, this trade was one hell of a ride. Honestly, I could barely explain what the fuck was happening—I felt like I had my balls in my mouth the whole time. For those who don’t know, I usually roll with a trend-following strategy. It's simple and profitable when the market's trending, but when shit goes sideways in a range-bound market? Not so much. So, I threw in another strategy—reading candlestick patterns. It’s risky as fuck, but if you follow the rules to a T, it can pay off. The trick is knowing how those candles form and spotting patterns before they slap you in the face. Check out the entry and exit points of my trade, and you'll see the wild waves in between. I swear, this was the most uncomfortable trade I’ve ever been balls-deep in. But I stuck with it, holding the trade until I hit my target. Honestly, the whole time I was thinking, "Fuck, this feels wrong." But that’s exactly what I’m training myself to do—stay calm in those uncomfortable-as-hell situa

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